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Nigeria is a nation that is very rich in diversity, with a federal structure that divides power between the central government and the states. This federal arrangement has often been a source of debate, particularly when it comes to governance and the allocation of resources.

The planned protest against bad governance in the country slated to commence on August 1, has again established the urgency to address systemic issues, but a critical aspect of these movements often gets overlooked, which is the need for protesters to endeavor to distinguish between federal and state-level based grievances.

Bandwagon is a social phenomenon where people follow a trend or behavior simply because many others are doing it not necessarily because of having any particular sense of direction or purpose driving such trend. This occurs when individuals assume that a particular action or decision is correct or desirable because a large number of people are already doing it. It is therefore, essential to make informed decisions based on your own values, conviction, and critical thinking.

Considering the size of youths demographic spread in Nigeria amidst high scale unemployment rate, lack of or poor social welfare package for unemployed Nigerians at every levels of formal education, social injustice and growing high cost of living with many Nigerians now living in abject poverty, it is not only mind provoking but also very disappointing to see how government officials live in great affluence on the taxpayers money, thereby giving legitimacy to a call for national protest against bad governance.

But in doing so, it is also pertinent to have a clear cut understanding of direction, intent and purpose of such mass movement individually and as a people with a common goal; good governance. Therefore, no one should act based on bandwagon effect but based on clear conviction about a line of action per time. Even the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 13:1 to end, that to everything in life is an apportioned time and season, which means a good course or action at a wrong time can produce negative result or consequences.

We must understand as a people that Nigeria’s federal system is designed to ensure that both the central government and individual states have the authority to manage their affairs within available resources and also be held accountable as such.

This division of powers as enshrined in the federal structure means that governance issues can arise at both levels, and each requires targeted solutions peculiar to each level. However, many protesters in time past have lumped together, grievances against both the federal and state governments, which can sometimes result in unintended consequences as clearly evident particularly during the #EndSARS Protest.

The aftermath of that period showed that properties belonging to governments at both levels as well as private organizations were destroyed in Lagos and Oyo States among other states, while the entire protest tagged “#EndSARS was a demand for an end to Police brutality, a constitutional jurisdiction controlled entirely by the federal government of Nigeria.

It is important to note that while Abuja, which is the administrative headquarters of Nigeria recorded less effect and impacts of the #EndSARS protest, destruction of government and private organizations’ properties including banks were recorded largely outside of the federal capital thereby making the affected states serious victims of a protest targeted at an institution of the federal government.

Business Day Newspaper in one of its publications reported that Lagos State alone lost over N700 billion worth of property, considering the fact that the state was the epicenter of the protest, and regrettable mass destructions of properties and lootings by hoodlums following the 2020 #EnSARS protest.

For instance, since the removal of fuel subsidy, Oyo state became the first to launch and commence implementation of what was termed “Sustainable Action for Economic Recovery (SAfER) with several economic stimulus package targeted at Micro Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) in order to cushion effects of the twin policies of the federal government; removal of fuel subsidy and floating of naira/dollar exchange rate, both of which have directly affected cost of living viz a viz personal income and household finances across the nation.

It would therefore, not only be counterproductive for such states still recovering from the fallout of EndSARS and FG twin policies to witness another protest within the states that is capable of degenerating into bigger crisis considering the volatility of current circumstances in the country. Such, if any eventually, would have retrogressed such states by my years backwards instead of consolidating on the gains of its achievements. There will never be another place to call home if our emotions overpower our sense of logic for a call for caution is never and should never be perceived as a sign of weakness or cowardice but a strategy to win without violence.

When protesters conflate federal and state issues, there is a clear risk of undermining the successes achieved at the state level. For instance, states that have managed to implement effective policies and deliver significant socio-economic development might suffer from generalized grievance that doesn’t account for their unique circumstances at the state level.

This could demotivate state and local governments as well as leaders in the state who are working diligently to improve conditions within their jurisdictions. Consider a state like Oyo, which has consistently demonstrated notable progress in areas such as road infrastructure, education, security, and healthcare among others.

If protests indiscriminately target state governments under the banner of a unified grievance, a performing state such as Oyo under the able leadership of Governor Seyi Makinde may experience backlash that detracts from their achievements.

This could lead to a situation where states that are working effectively are penalized, not for their shortcomings, but due to a broader critique of governance that does not differentiate between levels of administration.

To ensure that protests lead to meaningful change without harming successful governance at the state level, it’s crucial for activists and citizens to separate federal from state issues.

Clear delineation can help focus criticisms and demands where they are most needed. For example: Federal issues including matters such as national security, economic policies, and federal allocations, criticisms and protests related to corruption in federal institutions or failures in national policies should be directed towards the central government so that the magnitude of such protest is minimal and has a clear focus.

State based issues which involve state-specific challenges such as local infrastructure, regional healthcare, and state-level education policies as well as complaints and demands for accountability from Governors should be directed at state governments where these issues are prevalent.

By separating federal and state grievances, protesters can engender a more constructive dialogue that targets specific issues without casting a wide net that risks undermining effective governance.

This targeted approach can lead to more effective solutions and encourage cooperation between different levels of government. It allows for a more nuanced conversation about governance that recognizes and supports the progress made in states that are performing well while advocating for necessary reforms where they are most needed.

It is however, expedient and important that to note that protesters planning protest against bad governance in Nigeria face the challenge of addressing a complex and multi-layered political landscape. To avoid retrogressing states that are performing well, it is essential to differentiate between federal and state issues.

This separation will not only help in deepening a more precise and effective dialogue but also ensures that positive developments at the state level are not inadvertently hampered by generalized grievances. By advocating for targeted reforms and clear distinctions, it is believed that Nigerian protesters can contribute to a more effective and equitable governance system.

By Editor

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